2014-02-01 下載 問題紙 (doc 格式) 列印文章

2014年 新年信息 第5課 New Year Message Lecture 5

經文Passage / 申命記Deu 6:1-15
金句Key verse / 申命記Deu 6:5

愛耶和華 Love the Lord

I.            愛耶和華你的 神 Love the Lord your God (1-5)

  1. 以色列人在所要過去得為業的地上當作什麼(1)?  神給予他們這指示有何目的(2)?
  2. What do the Israelites need to in the land that they are crossing the Jordan to possess(1)?
    What is the purpose of God’s giving them this direction(2)?
    What do they need to do in order to increase greatly(3)?


  3. 以色列人要聽和謹守的基礎信仰是什麼(4)?
    「耶和華我們 神是獨一的主」有何含義(4:33-35; 賽37:16)?
  4. What is the fundamental basis of the faith that the Israelites should hear and keep(4)?
    What does “The LORD our God, the LORD is one” mean(Dt4:33-35, Isa37:16)?


  5. 我們必須遵守的第一和最大的誡命是什麼(5; 太22:37)?
    我們愛 神的時候應有怎樣的態度? 為何我們要如此愛 神呢?
  6. What is the first and greatest commandment that we should keep(5, Mt22:37)?
    What attitude should we have when we love God? Why should we love God in such way?

II.  殷勤教訓 神的話Teach the word of God diligently (6-15)

  1. 愛 神具體的表現是什麼(6,7上)? 「 神的話都要記在心上」是什麼意思?
    為何殷勤教訓 神的話是愛耶和華的表現和證據(約21:15-17; 太28:19上)?
  2. What is the concrete expression of loving God(6,7a)? What does “the word of God is to be upon our hearts” mean? Why is “teaching the word of God diligently” an expression and evidence of our love for the Lord(Jn21:15-17, Mt28:19a)?


  3. 我們要殷勤教訓 神的話至怎樣地步(7下)?
    為何我們要這樣愛 神,又要如此殷勤教訓 神的話?
  4. How diligently should we teach the word of God(7b)?
    What is the meaning of ‘tying them as symbols on your hands’, ‘binding them on your foreheads’ and ‘writing them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates’(8-9)?
    Why should we love the word of God in such way and why should we teach the word of God so diligently?


  5. 以色列人在祝福的日子要何等地謹慎(10-14)? 為何他們要如此行(15)?
  6. What should the Israelites be careful in the days of blessings(10-14)? Why should they do so(15)?