- 猶大是何等的淫亂和邪惡呢(3:1,2)? 有何惡果臨到他們,他們卻何等不顧羞恥呢(3)?
How adulterous and wicked was Judah (3:1,2)?
What happened to them as a result but how shameless were they still (3)?
What were they doing even though they seemed to have called on the Lord outwardly (4,5)?
- 以色列有何惡行(6)? 神怎樣對待她(7上,8上)?
What was Israel’s wickedness (6)? How did God treat her (7a, 8a)?
What sins did Judah continue to commit even though she saw her sister’s condition (7b,8b,9,10)?
- 耶利米要向北以色列宣告什麼信息(11-13)?
為何耶和華呼喚祂背道的民回來(14)? 耶和華要賜他們什麼恩典(15-18)?
What was the message that Jeremiah should proclaim toward Northern Israel (11-13)?
Why did the Lord call his faithless people back (14)? What grace did the Lord want to give to them (15-18)?
- 耶和華要求以色列怎樣行(19)? 他們卻怎樣對待 神(20,21)?
What did the Lord ask them to do (19)? But how did they treat the Lord (20-21)?
But in what way did they repent when the Lord told them to return (22-25)?
- 回來歸向耶和華,對以色列來說有何含義,他們若如此行必有何事發生(4:1,2)?
為何他們要除掉心裏的污穢 (4)? 在新一年我要開墾的荒地是什麼?
What does it mean for Israel to return to the Lord and what will happen when they do so (4:1,2)?
Why did the Lord command Judah to break up her unplowed ground and what does it mean (3)?
Why do they need to circumcise their hearts (4)? What is my unplowed ground that I should break up this new year?