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大學生研經宣教會University Bible Fellowship

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2020 New Year (2)

Isaiah 43:1-21

Key verse / Isaiah 43:19


보라 내가 일을 행하리라

See, I am doing a new thing



1)희망찬 2020년 새해가 시작되었습니다. 새해를 출발하는 우리를 향해 주님께서는 “보라 내가 새 일을 행하리라”는 희망과 비전의 말씀을 주십니다.

The hopeful New Year 2020 has begun. God is giving us his word of hope and vision at the beginning of this new year, See, I am doing a new thing!




2)이 말씀은 바벨론에서 포로생활하고 있는 이스라엘 백성들에게 하나님께서 행하실 새 일에 대한 꿈과 희망과비전을 심어주시는 말씀입니다. 보라 내가 일을 행하리니 이제 나타낼 것이라

This word plants hope and vision for the new things that God will do for the Israelites who were captives in Babylon. See, I am doing a new thing! Now It springs up.”


3)그러나 이스라엘 백성들은 현재 자신들이 처해있는 상황과 형편으로 인해 장래에 대한 깊은 불안과 두려움에빠져 있었습니다. 새 역사의 여명이 밝아오고 있는데도 그들은 아무런 꿈도 희망도 가질 수가 없었습니다.

But the Israelites were in deep fear and anxiety for the future because of their present situation. Even though the dawn of a new history was approaching, they could have no dreams or hopes.




4)하지만 하나님은 이스라엘 백성들이 현재 어떤 형편과 어떤 상황에 있던지 그들을 통해서 새 일을 행하시기원하시며 그들의 가슴속에 하나님이 행하실 새 일에 대한 꿈과 희망과 비전을 심어주시고자 하십니다.

But God wants to do new things through the Israelites no matter what situation they are in now. God wants to plants in their hearts a dream and hope and vision for God to do new things.




5)이 시간 주님께서 “보라 내가 새 일을 행하리라” 하시는 꿈과 희망과 비전의 말씀이 우리의 심령에 임하기를기도합니다.

I pray that the word of hope and vision, See, I am doing a new thing,” may come to our hearts.




6)1. 너는 두려워말라 (1-13)

1. Fear not (1-13)

1. 不要害怕(1-13)


7)1a절을 보십시오. 야곱아 너를 창조하신 여호와께서 이제 말씀하시느니라 이스라엘아 너를 조성하신 자가이제 말씀하시느니라 너는 두려워 말라 하나님은 장래에 대한 깊은 불안과 두려움에 빠져 있는 이스라엘 백성을 향하여 야곱아!’ 이스라엘아!’부르시며 너는 두려워 말라’고 하십니다.

Look at verse 1a. But now, this is what the LORD says—he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Fear not” God calls his people‘Jacob!’ Israel!’ and says Fear not!” when they are in deep anxiety and fear for the future.




8)이스라엘에게는 어떤 두려움이 있습니까?

What was Israel afraid of?




9)이스라엘은 지난 70년 동안 바벨론 포로생활을 하였습니다.

Israel was in captivity to Babylon for the last 70 years.




10)나라가 망한지70년이나 되었습니다.

70 years had passed since their nation was destroyed.




11)그동안 예루살렘은 폐허가 되었습니다.

Jerusalem had been in ruins.




12)이스라엘 백성들은 동서남북으로 다 흩어졌습니다.

The Israelites had been scattered north, south, east and west.




13)이제 이스라엘의 회복을 바라기에는 너무나도 늦어버린 것만 같습니다.

It seems too late for any hope of restoring Israel.




14)그들이 초 강대국 바벨론의 손아귀에서 벗어나 예루살렘으로 돌아간다는 것은 불가능한 일로 보였습니다.

It seems impossible for them to be free from Babylonian captivity and to return to Jerusalem.




15)예루살렘으로 돌아간들 이미 폐허가 된 예루살렘 성전을 재건하고 나라를 다시 세울 수 있을 것인가?

Even if they return to Jerusalem can they rebuild the ruined temple in Jerusalem and establish their nation again?




16)바랄 수 없는 소망같았습니다. 그들의 앞길은 광야와 같고 사막과 같았습니다.

It looked hopeless. The paths before them were like deserts and wasteland.




17)그들의 앞날에는 아무런 희망이 보이지 않았습니다.

Their future looked hopeless.




18)그들의 가슴속은 불안과 두려움으로 가득차 있었습니다.

Their hearts were filled with anxiety and fear.




19)하나님은 이런 그들을 향해 “야곱아! 이스라엘아! 너는 두려워 말라!”고 하십니다.

God said to them, O Jacob! O Israel! Fear not!”



20)왜 두려워 말라고 하십니까? 1절을 보십시오.

Why did God say, Fear not”? Look at verse 1.




21) “야곱아 너를 창조하신 여호와께서 이제 말씀하시느니라 이스라엘아 너를 조성하신 자가 이제 말씀하시느니라 너는 두려워 말라 내가 너를 구속하였고 내가 너를 지명하여 불렀나니 너는 내 것이라”

But now, this is what the LORD says—he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.’”




22)하나님은 두려워 말라고 하시며 하나님과 이스라엘의 관계를 깨우쳐 주십니다.

God makes his relationship with Israel known and says, fear not.”




23)하나님은 자신이 이스라엘을 창조하셨고 그들을 조성하셨고 구속하셨으며 지명하여 불렀다고 하시며 ‘너는내 것이라’고 하십니다.

God says that he created Israel, formed them, redeemed them, summoned them, and said, “You are mine.”


神說祂自己創造以色列,造成他們,救贖他們. 曾提他們的名​呼召他們、 然後神說:「你是屬我的。」


24)하나님은 야곱을 창조하셨습니다.

God created Jacob.




25)하나님께서 야곱을 창조하실 때에는 야곱에 대한 하나님의 거룩하신 소망과 뜻이 있기 때문입니다.

God created Jacob because He had his divine hope and will for Jacob.




26)또 하나님은 이스라엘아 “너를 조성하신 자가 이제 말씀하시느니라” 하셨습니다.

And God said, this is what the LORD says--he who formed you, Oh Israel".



27)너를 조성하셨다는 것은 이스라엘을 창조하신 하나님께서 이스라엘을 창조하신 하나님의 목적에 합당하도록 그 소망에 합당한 그릇으로 빚어내셨다는 뜻입니다.

Here he who formed you” means that God formed Israel to be fit for the hope and purpose God had created them for.

在這裏,「造成你的那位」(he who formed you)意思是神塑造以色列成為附合(fit for)神創造他們的盼望和目的。


28)하나님께서는 이스라엘을 애굽의 풀무불 속에서 430년간, 광야에서 40년간, 바벨론 포로생활 속에서 70년간 연단하시며 그들을 하나님이 원하시는 그릇으로 조성하셨습니다.

God refined and formed Israel for 430 years in the furnace of Egypt, for 40 years in the desert, and for 70 years in Babylonian captivity until they became the vessel that God desired.


通過430年埃及的火爐, 40年在曠野,以及​70年在巴比倫作俘擄,神煉淨和造成以色列,直至他們成為神喜悅的器具。

29)하나님께서 왜 그들을 이렇게 오랜 연단의 과정을 거쳐 새롭게 조성하셨습니까?

Why did God form and refine them for such a long time?




30)그 백성을 세계에 대하여 거룩한 백성 제사장 나라로 쓰시고자 하시는 하나님의 거룩한 뜻과 소망이 있었기때문이었습니다.

It was because of God's will and hope to use his people as a kingdom of priest and a holy nation for the whole world.




31)이 거룩한 뜻과 소망이 있었기에 하나님은 이스라엘을 창조하셨고, 조성하셨으며, 구속하여 내셨고, 지명하여 불러내어 하나님의 소유를 삼으셨습니다.

With this divine hope and purpose, God created, formed, redeemed and summoned Israel by name and made them his own.




32)그러므로 이스라엘은 하나님의 것입니다. “너는 내 것이라”

Therefore Israel is God’s possession. You are mine.”



33)하나님은 친히 창조하시고, 조성하시며, 구속하여 내시고, 지명하며 불러내셔서 자기의 소유를 삼으신 자기백성을 어떻게 보호하십니까?

How does God protect his people whom he created, formed, redeemed and summoned by name and made them his own?




34)2절을 보십시오. “네가 물 가운데 지날 때에 내가 함께 할 것이라 강을 건널 때에 물이 너를 침몰치 못할 것이며 네가 불 가운데로 행할 때에 타지도 아니할 것이요 불꽃이 너를 사르지도 못하리니”

Look at verse 2. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”




35)하나님은 이스라엘 백성을 물과 불 가운데서 보호하시겠다고 하십니다. 물과 불은 이스라엘을 삼키고 태우려는 시련을 상징합니다.

God says that he will protect the Israelites in the midst of the waters and the fire. Water and fire symbolize the trials which devour and burn Israel.




36)이스라엘은 바벨론에 포로로 끌려와 절망의 깊은 강을 건너고 있습니다.

The Israelites were taken captive in Babylon and have been crossing over the deep rivers of despair.




37)고난의 불꽃을 통과하고 있습니다. 그런데 하나님께서 그들을 홀로 두지 않으십니다.

They pass through the flames of hardship. But God does not leave them alone.




38)절망의 강물 가운데서 함께 하시며 시련의 불꽃 가운데서 지켜 주십니다. 그들이 침몰하지 않고 절망의 강을건너게 하시고 시련의 불꽃에 타지 않고 지나게 하십니다.

He is with them in the rivers of despair and guards in the flames of trial. He lets them cross the river of despair without sinking and he lets them pass through the flames of trial without being burned.




39)이스라엘은 애굽의 노예생활 430년동안, 홍해를 건넌후 가나안에 들어가기까지 광야 40년동안, 바벨론 포로생활 70년동안 수많은 물시험, 불시련을 당하였습니다. 그러나 하나님께서는 그 수많은 물시험가운데서 침몰치 않게 하셨고, 수많은 불시련 가운데서도 타지 않게 하셨습니다.

Israel was subjected to numerous trials of waters and flames for 430 years of slavery in Egypt, 40 years in the wilderness after crossing the Red Sea until they entered Canaan, and 70 years in Babylonian captivity. But God did not let them be swept away in the midst of many trials of water, and he did not let them be burned in the midst of many trials of flames.




40)하나님은 자기소유삼으신 그 백성이 아예 고난과 시련을 당하지 않게 하시지는 않으십니다. 때로는 물 가운데로 때로는 불 가운데로 지나게 하십니다. 그러나 그 가운데서 함께하시며 지켜 주십니다.

God does not let his own avoid sufferings and trials. Sometimes he allows them go through the waters and flames. But he is with them and protects them in the midst of such trials.




41)하나님께서 우리에게 고난 안 주시는 것이 사랑이 아니라, 고난을 통해 우리 믿음을 정금처럼 연단하시며, 고난중에 함께 하시며 이기게 하시는 것이 하나님의 사랑입니다.

It is not love that God gives us no suffering. It is God's love that He refines us as pure as gold through sufferings and is with us in the midst of suffering and helps us to overcome them.




42)고난과 시련의 때야말로  우리와 함께 하시는 하나님의 놀라운 사랑을 체험할 수 있는 기회입니다.

The time of sufferings and trials is the opportunity to experience the amazing love of God who is with us.




43)“대저 나는 네 하나님이요 너의 구원자임이라.”

"For I am your God and your Savior."

因為我是耶和華你的 神


44)우리가 어떤 물 시련, 불 시련 가운데서도 함께 하시고 보호하시겠다고 하신 하나님의 약속과 사랑을 절대적으로 확신함으로 모든 두려움을 이기고 승리하는 자들이 될 수 있기를 기도합니다.

I pray that we may be absolutely sure of God's love and promise that He will be with us and protect us in any and every trial so that we may overcome all fears and be truly victorious.




45)하나님은 이스라엘을 얼마나 존귀하게 여기십니까? 3b, 4절 “내가 애굽을 너의 속량물로 구스와 스바를 너의 대신으로 주었노라 내가 너를 보배롭고 존귀하게 여기고 너를 사랑하였은즉 내가 사람들을 주어 너를 바꾸며백성들로 네 생명을 대신하리니” 하나님은 이스라엘을 구원하시기 위해서 애굽이라는 강대국도 속량물로 주셨습니다.

How precious and honored does God regard Israel to be? Verses 3b, 4. I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Sheba in your stead. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life." In order to save Israel, God gave Egypt as a ransom.




46)또한 구스와 스바를 이스라엘 대신 희생시키셨습니다.

He also sacrificed Cush and Sheba instead of Israel.



47)하나님께서 이스라엘을 이처럼 보배롭고 존귀하게 여기시며 사랑하신 이유가 무엇입니까?

Why did God regard Israel so precious and honor and love them?



48)이는 하나님께서 이스라엘을 창조하시고 구속하시고 지명하여 불러내시고 자기 소유를 삼으셨기 때문입니다.

It is because He created them, redeemed them and summoned them by name and made them his own.




49)그런데 그 백성들이 시련을 당하여 동서남북으로 흩어져 있습니다. 하나님은 그들을 어떻게 하시겠다고 하십니까?

However, the people have been tried and scattered in all directions. What will God do with them?




50) 5,6절 “두려워 말라 내가 너와 함께 하여 네 자손을 동방에서부터 오게 하며 서방에서부터 너를 모을 것이며내가 북방에게 이르기를 놓으라 남방에게 이르기를 구류하지 말라 내 아들들을 원방에서 이끌며 내 딸들을 땅끝에서 오게 하라” 하나님은 흩어진 이스라엘 백성을 동서남북 사방에서 불러 모으시겠다고 하십니다.

Look at verses 5-6. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.” God says that he will gather the scattered Israelites from the east, west, south and north.





51)나라가 망하여 온 세상으로 흩어진 백성들이 과연 다시 돌아올 수 있을까? 믿을 수 없고 바랄 수 없는 소망같습니다. 그러나 하나님은 세상 역사를 주관하시는 절대 주권자이십니다.

Can the people come back again when their nation is in ruins and they are scattered all over the world?  It is hard to believe and hope for. But God is the absolute Sovereign Lord who rules over the history of the world.




52)하나님께서 이스라엘 자손을 동방에서 오게 하며 서방에서부터 모을 것이라 하십니다.

God says that he will bring the children of Israel from the east and gather them from the west.




53)북방에게 이르기를 ‘놓으라’ 하시고 남방에게 이르기를 ‘구류하지 말라’ 하시며 ‘내 아들들을 원방에서 이끌며 내 딸들을 땅끝에서 오게하라’ 명하십니다.

He will say to the north 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back!', 'Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.'




54)하나님은 그 백성이 현재 어디에 있든지, 어떤 상태에 놓여 있든지 그 구원의 능력으로 그들을 자유케 하시고 모으시고 이끌어 오실 수 있으십니다. 세상 역사를 주관하시며 어떤 상황 속에서도 그 백성을 구원하여 내시는 절대주권자시요 구원자이신 하나님을 감사 찬양합니다.

Wherever his people are and no matter what condition they are in, God can set them free and bring them back with his power of salvation. God oversees the history of the world and saves his people under any situations. Thank and Praise God who is the Sovereign Lord and Savior.




55)하나님께서 동서남북으로 흩어진 그 백성을 구원하여 이끌어내시고자 하시는 목적이 무엇입니까?

What is the purpose of God's saving and bringing his scattered people from the ends of the earth?




56)8-10a절을 보십시오. “눈이 있어도 소경이요 귀가 있어도 귀머거리인 백성을 이끌어 내라 열방은 모였으며민족들이 회집하였은들 그들 중에 누가 능히 이 일을 고하며 이전 일을 우리에게 보이겠느냐 그들로 증인을 세워서 자기의 옳음을 나타내어 듣는 자들로 옳다 말하게 하라 나 여호와가 말하노라 너희는 나의 증인, 나의 종으로 택함을 입었나니”

Look at verses 8-10a. Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf. All the nations gather together and the peoples assemble. Which of them foretold this and proclaimed to us the former thing? Let them bring in their witnesses to prove they were right, so that others may hear and say, It is true.’ You are my witnesses,’ declares the LORD, "and my servant whom I have chosen."





57)이스라엘은 바벨론 포로생활 속에서 소망을 다 상실하고 현실의 생존 문제에만 매어 달려 살아가다가 소경되고 귀머거리가 되었습니다.

During captivity in Babylon the Israelites lost hope and became blind and deaf living for their immediate survival problems.

그런데 하나님은 왜 이들을 구원하여 이끌어 내시고자 하십니까?

Then why does God want to save them and bring them from afar?





58)하나님은 눈이 있어도 소경이요 귀가 있어도 귀머거리인 그 백성을 이끌어 내어 하나님의 증인, 하나님의 종으로 세우시고자 하십니다.

God wants to establish them as God's witnesses and God's servants even though they are blind and deaf.




59)그러면 이스라엘이 하나님에 대하여 알고 믿고 깨닫고 증언해야 할 내용이 무엇입니까?

What, then, should Israel know, believe, understand and witness about God?




60)10b-13절을 보십시오. “이는 너희로 나를 알고 믿으며 내가 그인줄 깨닫게 하려함이라 나의 전에 지음을 받은 신이 없었느니라 나의 후에도 없으리라 나 곧 나는 여호와라 나 외에 구원자가 없느니라 내가 고하였으며 구원하였으며 보였고 너희 중에 다른 신이 없었나니 그러므로 너희는 나의 증인이요 나는 하나님이니라 여호와의말이니라 과연 태초로부터 나는 그니 내 손에서 능히 건질 자가 없도다 내가 행하리니 누가 막으리요”


Look at verses 10b-13. "so that you may know and believe mad and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed-I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "that I am God. Yes, and from ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?"


請看第10節下至13節:「既是這樣,便可以知道,且信服我,又明白我就是耶和華,在我以前沒有真神,〔真原文作造作的〕在我以後也必沒有。惟有我是耶和華,除我以外沒有救主。我曾指示,我曾拯救,我曾說明;並且在你們中間沒有別神,所以耶和華說,你們是我的見證,我也是 神。自從有日子以來,我就是 神;誰也不能救人脫離我手,我要行事,誰能阻止呢。」


61)하나님께서 반복해서 강조하시는 바가 무엇입니까?

What does God repeatedly emphasize?




62)이는 하나님만이 유일한 구원자시요 그 외에 다른 구원자, 다른 신은 없다는 것입니다.

It is that God is the only Savior and that there is no other savior, no other god.




63)하나님은 이스라엘의 역사를 통해 오직 하나님만이 구원자시오 그 외에 다른 신이 없다는 것을 보이셨고 증거하셨습니다. 하나님은 이스라엘을 430년간의 애굽의 노예생활에서 구원하여 내셨습니다.

God showed and testified through the history of Israel that God alone is the Savior and that there is no other god. God saved Israel from 430 years of slavery in Egypt.




64)그 백성들로 홍해를 건너게 하시고, 그들이 가는 길을 가로막는 수많은 원수들로부터 구원하여 내셨습니다. 그리고 약속하신 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 가나안 땅으로 인도하여 들이셨습니다.

He let the people cross the Red Sea and saved them from the multitudes of enemies who were blocking their way. He led them into the land of Canaan, the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey.




65)그러나 그들이 젖과 꿀을 먹고 배가 부르기 시작하자 그들은 하나님의 구원의 은혜를 다 잊어버리고 하나님을 버리고 물질신, 쾌락신, 온갖 우상숭배에 빠져들었습니다. 하나님은 그들을 죄악에서 돌이키시기 위해 바벨론 풀무불속에 집어 던지셨습니다.

But as they ate milk and honey and began to be full, they forgot all about God's saving grace, abandoned God, and fell into worshipping all kinds of idols, such as idols of prosperity and the idols of hedonism. God threw them into the furnace of Babylon to turn them away from sin.




66) 그들은 바벨론의 70년간의 포로생활의 수치와 고난의 시련속에서 동서남북 땅끝까지 흩어지게 되었습니다. 그들은 북방에서 붙잡혔고, 남방에게 구류당하였으며, 원방에 이끌려갔으며, 땅끝까지 흩어지게 되었습니다. 그들에게는 전혀 구원의 여망이 없어 보였습니다.

They were under the shame and trials of Babylonian captivity for 70 years and they were scattered to the ends of the earth. They were captured from the north, detained by the south, taken far away and scattered to the ends of the earth. They seemed to have no hope of salvation at all.




67)그러나 하나님은 70년의 기한이 찬 후에 동서남북에 흩어진 그들을 전능하신 하나님의 구원의 손길과 능력으로 구원하여 고토로 돌아가게 하십니다. 이를 통해 세상의 신들은 다 우상이요, 헛된 것이며, 오직 하나님만이진정한 구원자 이시요 참신이심을 나타내고자 하십니다.

But after 70 years, God saves them and brings them back to their homeland by saving them with his mighty hand of salvation. Through this, God wants to reveal that the gods of the world are all idols and that only God is the true Savior and the true God.




68)하나님은 아무도 그런 일이 일어나리라고 기대하고 상상조차 할 수 없을 때에 그 일을 친히 계획하시고 미리말씀하시고 이루시는 전능하신 주권자시요 전능하신 구원자 하나님이십니다.

God plans, foretells and fulfills when no one can imagine and expect such things to happen. He is the Almighty Sovereign Lord and Savior God.




69)이스라엘은 이 하나님을 알고 믿고 깨닫고 이 하나님만이 참된 신이시오 참된 구원자이심을 증거해야 합니다.

Israel should know, believe, understand and testify that this God is the true God and the true Savior.




70)이를 위해서 하나님은 동서남북으로 흩어져 포로된 자들, 소경이요 귀머거리된 그들을 구원하여 이끌어 내시고자 하셨습니다.

For this, God wants to save and lead those scattered people who become blind and deaf.




71)소경이요 귀머거리된 자들을 구원하여 이끌어내어서 하나님만이 참된 구원자이심을 알고 믿고 깨닫고 증거하는 증인으로 세우시는 하나님꼐 감사와 찬송과 영광을 돌립니다.

I give thanks, praise and glory to God who saves the blind and deaf, and establishes them as God's witnesses who know, believe, understand and testify that God is the one and only true Savior.




72)Ⅱ. 보라 내가 새 일을 행하리라 (14-21)

. See, I am doing a new thing (14-21)



73)하나님은 이스라엘을 구원하시고자 바벨론에 어떤 일을 행하십니까? 14절을 보십시오.

What does God do to Babylon to save Israel? Look at verse 14.




74) “너희의 구속자요 이스라엘의 거룩한 자 여호와가 말하노라 너희를 위하여 내가 바벨론에 보내어 모든 갈대아 사람으로 자기들의 연락하던 배를 타고 도망하여 내려가게 하리라” This is what the LORD says--your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: For your sake I will send to Babylon and bring down as fugitives all the Babylonians, in the ships in which they took pride.’”



75)이스라엘을 포로로 사로잡고 있는 바벨론은 세계 초 강대국이었습니다. 이스라엘은 그들에게서 영원히 벗어날 수 없을 것 같았습니다.


Babylon, the captive of Israel, was the world's super power nation. It seemed that Israel could not escape from them ever.




76)그러나 하나님은 이스라엘을 구원하시기 위해서 어떤 놀라운 일을 행하십니까? 하나님은 메대 바사의 왕 고레스를 일으켜 바벨론을 치게 하셨습니다.

But what wonderful thing does God do to save Israel? God raised up Cyrus king of the Medes and the Persians to strike down Babylon.




77)그때 배타고 연락을 즐기던 바벨론의 모든 귀족들은 자기들의 연락하던 배를 타고 혼비백산 도망하였습니다.

At that time, all the nobles of Babylon who had taken pride in their ships now ran away in the ships.




78)하나님은 이방인 고레스를 통해 세계 초 강대국 바벨론을 하루아침에 패망시키셨습니다. 누가 그 일을 생각이나 했겠습니까?

God defeated Babylon, the world's superpower nation in one day through Cyrus, the gentile. Who would have thought about that?




79)이런 일을 행하시는 하나님은 어떤 분이십니까?

Who is God that can do that?




80) 15절 “나는 여호와 너희의 거룩한 자요 이스라엘의 창조자요 너희 왕이니라” 하나님은 여호와 이스라엘의거룩한 자요 이스라엘의 창조자이시며 이스라엘의 왕이십니다.

Verse 15 says, I am the LORD, your Holy One, Israel’s Creator, your King.” God is the LORD, the Holy One, Creator and King of Israel.

第15節說: 「我是耶和華你們的聖者,是創造以色列的,是你們的君王。」​神是耶和華、聖者、創造者和以色列的君王。




81)이 하나님은 그 백성 이스라엘을 구원하여 내시기 위해서 초 강대국 바벨론도 하루아침에 멸망시키시는 역사의 주권자시오, 전능하신 하나님이십니다.

This God is the sovereign and almighty God of history who destroys the powerful nation of Babylon in one day to save his people Israel.




82)하나님은 이전에 이스라엘을 위해서 어떤 일을 행하셨습니까?

What did God do for Israel in the past?




83)16,17절 “바다 가운데 길을, 큰 물 가운데 첩경을 내고 병거와 말과 군대의 용사를 이끌어 내어서 그들로 일시에 엎드러져 일지 못하고 소멸하기를 꺼져가는 등불 같게 한 나 여호와가 말하노라”

Look at verses 16-17. This is what the LORD says--he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick.”




84)하나님은 출애굽 사건때 이스라엘 백성을 위해 홍해 바다가운데 길을 큰 물가운데 첩경을 내셨습니다. 그리고 추격하여 오는 애굽왕 바로의 병거와 말과 군대의 용사를 일시에 어드러져 일지 못하게 하시고 소멸하기를꺼져가는 등불같게 하셨습니다.

In the Exodus, God made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters for the Israelites. He drew out the Egyptian chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements that chased after the Israelites. He made them lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick.




85)그러므로 이스라엘은 현재의 고난 속에서도 무엇을 기대해야 합니까? 18,19a절을 보십시오. “너희는 이전일을 기억하지 말며 옛날 일을 생각하지 말라. 보라 내가 새 일을 행하리니 이제 나타낼 것이라.”

Therefore, What should Israel expect in the present suffering? Look at verses 18, 19a. "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up."


故此,在現今的苦難中,以色列應當期望什麼呢?請看第18-19​上節:「耶和華如此說,你們不要記念從前的事,也不要思想古時的事。 看哪,我要作一件新事,如今要發現,」


86)새 일은 이전에 없던 일, 사람이 경험하지 못하고 생각하지 못한 일입니다.

A new thing is something that never happened in the past, something that people have not experienced or thought about.




87)하나님은 새 일을 행하는 분이십니다. 하나님은 이전 일, 옛날 일, 추억 속에 계신 과거의 하나님이 아니라 지금 살아 계셔서 새 일을 행하시고 새일을 나타내시는 분이십니다.

God is the one who is doing a new thing. God is not the God of the past in the old days and old memories. He is the God who lives now and is doing a new thing and springs up a new work.




88)그러므로 하나님은 이전 일, 옛날 일만을 생각하며 추억속에 머물러 있지 말고, 하나님이 이루실 새 일을 기대하고 새 일을 희망하라 하십니다

Therefore, God says that instead of staying in the old memories and thinking about the old things, we should expect and hope the new things that God will accomplish.




89)하나님께서 이루실 새 일이 무엇입니까?  “반드시 내가 광야에 길을, 사막에 강을 내리니 장차 들짐승, 곧 시랑과 타조도 나를 존경할 것은 내가 광야에 물을 사막에 강들을 내어 내 백성, 내가 택한 자에게 마시게 할 것임이라.”(19b,20)

What is the new thing that God is doing? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen."(19b,20)


神正在做的新事是什麼呢?「你們豈不知道麼;我必在曠野開道路,在沙漠開江河。野地的走獸必尊重我,野狗和鴕鳥也必如此,因我使曠野有水,使沙漠有河,好賜給我的百姓我的選民喝。」(19下, 20)


90) 와! 이는 얼마나 가슴 설레이게 하는 놀라운 새 일입니까? 광야는 거치른 모래와 자갈과 바위와 풀과 잡목만이 무성하게 우거져 있는 곳입니다.

Wow! How amazing and exciting is this new thing? In the desert there are only sand, stones, rocks and grass.




91)사막은 풀 한 포기 나무 한 그루 없는 황량한 모래밭이 끝없이 펼쳐져 있는 곳입니다.

The wasteland is an endless land of sand without any grass or trees.




92)그러한 광야에 어떻게 길을 낼 수 있으며, 그러한 사막에 어떻게 강을 낼 수 있습니까? 그것은 바랄 수 없는일, 불가능한 일로 보입니다.

How can anyone make a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland? It seems impossible.




93)그러나 하나님은 광야에 길을, 사막에 강을 내리라고 하십니다. 하나님은 강을 내시되 얼마나 수원이 풍성한강물을 내십니까?

But God says that he is making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

How abundant are the streams that God is making?




94)하나님은 하나님의 백성들이 마실 수 있을뿐 아니라 광야에 거하는 들짐승 곧 시랑과 및 타조까지도 마실 수있도록 광야와 사막에 솟아나는 풍성한 강물을 내시겠다고 하십니다.

God says that he is making the abundant streams welling up in the desert and the wasteland so that not only God's people, but also the wild animals in the desert such as the jackals and the owls can drink too.




95)그 날에는 들짐승, 곧 시랑과 타조도 감동하여 하나님을 존경하게 될 것입니다. 시랑은 사나운 자칼입니다. 타조는 자기가 낳은 자식도 잊는 무지,무정한 짐승입니다.

On that day, even the wild animals, the jackals and the owls will be moved and honor God. Jackals are brutal. Owls are merciless and heartless animals that forget their own children.




96)이러한 사나운 자칼, 무지 무정한 타조같은 짐승까지도 감동하여 하나님을 존경하고 찬양하는 새 일, 새 역사가 일어나게 될 것입니다.

There will be a new work that even these ferocious jackals and ruthless owls will be moved to honor and praise God.




97)하나님은 이처럼 광야에 길을 내시고 사막에 강을 내셔서 들짐승, 곧 시랑과 타조까지 하나님을 존경하고 사랑하는 새 일을 행하시고 새 일을 나타내십니다.

In this way, God does and reveals a new thing that even wild animals will respect and love God by his making a way in the desert, streams in the wasteland.




98)초 강대국 바벨론의 포로생활하고 있는 이스라엘 백성들의 미래와 앞날은 광야와 같고 사막과 같았습니다. 아무런 길도 희망도 보이지 않았습니다.

The future of the Israelites as captives in Babylon was like the desert and the wasteland. They couldn't see any way nor any hope.




99)그런데 하나님은 그들이 바랄수 없었고 생각할 수 없었던 새 일을 행하셨습니다. 하나님은 메대 바사의 고레스를 일으켜 초 강대국 바벨론을 하루아침에 멸망시키셨습니다.

But God did a new thing that they couldn't hope for and couldn't think of. God raised up Cyrus of the Mede and the Persia and destroyed the great nation Babylon in a day.




100)그리고 고레스를 통해서 이스라엘 백성들을 향해 고토로 돌아가라는 명령을 내리게 하셨습니다. 하나님은스룹바벨과 느헤미야 에즈라 등을 감동케 하셔서 바벨론을 떠나 예루살렘으로 돌아가게 하셨고, 폐허가 된 예루살렘 성전을 세우게 하셨고, 무너진 성벽을 재건케 하셨습니다.

And God let Cyrus command the Israelites to return to their homeland. God moved Zerubbabel, Nehemiah and Ezra to leave Babylon to return to Jerusalem, to build a ruined Jerusalem temple and rebuild the broken walls.




101)그리고 동서남북 원방 땅끝까지 흩어져 있던 이스라엘 백성들이 돌아와 하나님을 경외함으로 섬기는 새 역사를 이루셨습니다.

God did a new thing that the scattered Israelites returned and served God in holy fear.




102)강대국 바벨론의 포로생활속에서 꿈과 희망을 다 잃어버리고 현실의 생존문제에 전전긍긍 매어달리다가영적으로 소경되고 귀머거리된 백성들이 구원을 받고 거룩한 백성 제사장 나라로 일어나는 새 역사가 일어났습니다.

The new thing sprang up that the spiritually blind and deaf people who lost hope as captives in Babylon and clung to their realistic issues were saved and raised up as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.




103)하나님이 행하시는 새 일은 여기에 멈추지 않았습니다. 하나님은 마침내 약속하신 독생자 예수 그리스도를그 백성을 통해 이 세상에 보내어 주셨습니다.

God's new work did not stop here. God finally sent his one and only Son Jesus Christ to this world through these people.




104)그리고 예수님을 통해서 광야와 사막의 들짐승 곧 시랑과 타조와 같던 이방인들이 진리와 생명의 길을 찾고, 영생하도록 솟아나는 샘물을 마시고 하나님을 존경하고 찬양하는 새 역사가 일어나게 하셨습니다.

And through Jesus, a new thing sprang up that the gentiles who are like wild animals, jackals and owls found the way of the truth and life, drank the living water welling up to eternal life and honored and praised God.




105)이것이 하나님께서 광야에 길을 내시고 사막에 강을 내신 새 일입니다. 광야에 길을 내시고 사막에 강을 내시는 하나님을 감사하고 찬양합니다!

This is the new thing that God has done by making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Thank and praise God who makes a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland!




106)우리가 이 시대와 우리 각자가 처해있는 현실을 바라보면 우리의 앞길과 미래가 광야와 같고 사막과 같아보입니다.

When we look at the time and the reality that we live in, our future looks like a desert and wasteland.




107)우리의 미래에 대해서 아무런 꿈과 희망을 갖기가 어려워 보입니다. 그래서 우리는 우리의 앞길과 미래에대해서 불안해하며 깊은 두려움에 사로잡히기 쉽습니다.

It is hard to have any hope and dream for our future. So it is easy for us to be anxious and fearful for our future.




108)그러나 우리 하나님은 광야에 길을 내시고 사막에 강을 내시는 전능하신 주권자시오 전능하신 하나님이십니다.

But our God is the Almighty and Sovereign God who makes a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.




109)우리가 눈을 들어 전능하신 주권자 전능하신 하나님을 바라보며 “보라 내가 새 일을 행하리라”하시는 주님의 말씀을 붙들 수 있기를 기도합니다.

I pray that we may lift up our eyes and look at the Almighty and sovereign God and hold onto his word "See, I am doing a new thing".




110) 이 말씀에 의지해서 새 일을 행하실 하나님께 대한 믿음과 희망과 비젼을 붙들고 새해를 힘차게 출발할 수있기를 기도합니다.

Based on this word, may we start this new year with faith in God and hope and vision of God who is doing a new thing.




111)한마디 : 보라 내가 새 일을 행하리라

One Word: See I am doing a new thing
