2020年 新年信息第1課 New Year Message Lecture 1
經文Passage / 以賽亞書Isa 43:1-21 金句Key verse / 以賽亞書Ias 43:19
看哪!我要做一件新事 See, I am Doing a New Thing
- 以色列害怕甚麽(1上)? 神和以色列有何關係(1b)? 神應許怎樣保護以色列(2,3上)?
What fear did Israel have(1a)? What was the relationship between God and Israel(1b)? What protection did God promise to Israel(2,3a)?
- 神看以色列有多麼的寶貴(3下,4)? 神會怎樣招聚分散的以色列(5,6)?
為何 神如此拯救他們(7)? How precious did God consider Israel(3下,4)? How will God gather the scattered Israel(5,6)? What is the reason that God saved them in this way(7)?
- 當時以色列的屬靈境況如何(8)? 神卻要興起他們成為怎樣的人(9,10上)?
以色列需要知道、信服和見證甚麼(10下-13)? What was the spiritual condidtion of Israel(8)? Yet what did God raise them up to be(9,10a)? What does Israel need to know, believe and witness(10b-13)?
- 神為拯救以色列而向巴比倫作甚麼(14)? 這位 神是誰(15)?
神在古時為以色列作了甚麼(16,17)? What will God do to Babylon to save Israel(14)? Who is this God(15)? What did God do for Israel in the past(16,17)?
- 為何 神吩咐以色列不要記念從前的事(18,19上)?
神要作甚麼新事,與從前的事有何不同(19下-21)? 神曾在我們的校園事工上作過甚麼? 我們對作新事的 神可以擁有甚麼盼望? Why does God tell Israel to forget the former things(18,19a)? What is the new thing that God is doing, and how is it different from the former things(19b-21)? What did God do in our ministry in the past and what hope can we have in God who is doing a new thing?