2012 New Year Special Lecture
2012年 新年特別信息

經文 / 1 Timothy 提摩太前書 4:1-16
金句 / 1 Timothy 提摩太前書 4:15

Everyone May See Your Progress

  1. What kind of people did the Spirit say will appear in later times(1)?
    Think about identities and activities of 'Deceiving Spirits' and 'Demons'(Jude1:6, John8:44).
    What were false teachers like(2)?
    試想想「邪靈」和「鬼魔」的特性與及作為(猶 1:6;約 8:44)。

  2. What was the content of false teachers' teaching(3a)? What is the fundamental problem of 'asceticism'? What attitude should we have towards marriage and foods(3b-5)?
    假教師教訓的內容是甚麼(3上)? 「禁慾主義」的基本問題是甚麼?

  3. How can Timothy be a good minister of Christ(6)?
    Why is it so important to teach others in spiritual growth?
    提摩太如何能作基督的好執事呢(6)? 為甚麼教導別人在屬靈上成長是重要的呢?

  4. To what should the minister of Christ make efforts(7)?
    What does 'godly' mean and what should we do 'to be godly'?
    For what reasons should we train ourselves hard to be godly(8-10)?
    基督的執事應當在哪方面努力呢(7)? 「敬虔」何解? 我們為要成為「敬虔」又應當作甚麼呢?

  5. What was the practical problem that shepherd Timothy have faced(11,12a)?
    How can Timothy overcome his youngness(12b)? To what must he devote(13)?
    牧者提摩太面對甚麼具體的問題呢(11,12上)? 提摩太如何能克服年輕的問題呢(12下)?

  6. What is the thing that Timothy should not neglect(14)? What kind of attitude is needed in these matters(15)? When you do so, what result will come out?
    What should spiritual leaders always beware of and why is it important(16)?
    提摩太不要輕忽甚麼(14)? 在「這些事」上需要甚麼態度呢(15)?
    屬靈領袖必須時刻謹慎留意甚麼(16)? 為甚麼這是重要的呢?